Supply of equipment kits of automated process control system for NPP

Production under own TU 3433-001-88356101-2012

Production under own Technical Specifications TU 3433-001-88356101-2012 Appendix Н, which were agreed under the specified procedure with SC “Rosatom”, at that:

·          questionnaires are agreed with the customer;

·          development of design documentation is provided by ESKD, with 3d-model and components pre-agreed with the Customer;

·          manufacture of equipment of the 2nd and 3 rd safety classes is carried out according to the quality plans agreed with the Customer, NPP, General Designer, supervisors, etc.

·          the quality system complies with the IAEA and ISO 9001 standards;

·          acceptance of the equipment is carried out in the presence of the customer;

·          the supply agreement is fully compliant with the requirements of State Corporation "Rosatom";

the decision on the use of imported components is provided complete with the acceptance documentation

Production under customer TU

Includes all of the procedures included in the production of equipment for own TU 3433-001-88356101-2012


Cases, panels, panels, workstations are completed with seismoprotective C23 platforms or aseismic socles of own development and production.

Cases, panels, panels, workstations are packed and transported in Containers high-strength all-weather the TVV type which allow numerous unpacking and withdrawal of the equipment for carrying out a kompleksirovaniye, system integration, entrance control, customs procedures, etc. TVV containers are intended for storage of the equipment on the open areas within 5-12 years in any climate (Arctic tropics). Containers TVV have the all-metal bottom and a roof made of galvanized or stainless steel that provides their high durability and transportation by any kind of transport, including sea allows.