Production under own TU 3433-001-88356101-2012
Production under own Technical Specifications TU 3433-001-88356101-2012 Appendix Н, which were agreed under the specified procedure with SC “Rosatom”, at that:
· questionnaires are agreed with the customer;
· development of design documentation is provided by ESKD, with 3d-model and components pre-agreed with the Customer;
· manufacture of equipment of the 2nd and 3 rd safety classes is carried out according to the quality plans agreed with the Customer, NPP, General Designer, supervisors, etc.
· the quality system complies with the IAEA and ISO 9001 standards;
· acceptance of the equipment is carried out in the presence of the customer;
· the supply agreement is fully compliant with the requirements of State Corporation "Rosatom";
the decision on the use of imported components is provided complete with the acceptance documentation