Qualification and technical integration

Qualification of imported equipment for RF NPP

Qualification of systems and components according to the RF regulations that are in effect in SC “Rosatom”:

·          development of technical specifications for qualification of equipment and facilities;

·          certification of production;

·          approval of training programs with regulatory authorities;

·          commission acceptance of the equipment;

·          receipt of the decision on the use of imported equipment in the Russian nuclear power plants;

·          documentation and supporting of the technical specifications;

·          technical assistance in contracting

Reference: TU (Technical Specifications) for KRUE-220,500 (Siemens) for NVNPP-2; TU (Technical Specifications) for KRUE-330 (Hyundai) for LNPP-2.

KRUE = gas insulated switchgear

Qualification of components

·          Import and domestic components for use in the equipment of the 2nd and 3rd classes of safety at nuclear power plants

Reference: Imported components of equipment of SVBU, SVSU systems (FSUE "FSPC NIIIS" for the Belarusian NPP)

Qualification of the equipment under the international standards and RF regulations for application in NPP with WWEr-type reactors in the RF and abroad

·          coordination of qualification program with the NPP Customer and supervisory authorities of the country where NPP with WWER will be placed;

·          selection and manufacturing of typical samples of equipment to conduct the field tests;

·          certification of equipment manufacturers;

·          tests and commission acceptance of the qualification results;

·          approval of the nomenclature of qualified equipment with the NPP customer and regulatory authorities of the country where NPP with WWER will be placed;

·          approval of routine test procedures for mass production of the equipment.

Reference: TU (Technical Specifications) for K-11 complex for JSC "VNIIAES"